Marshall Hill

282 Park Street, Stowe, VT 05672
Parking: Yes
Once a skiing hill with a T-bar, it now lends itself to sledders with a 100 foot drop. Located behind the Stowe Elementary school, there is also a great outdoor playground area if some of the kids are tired of sledding.
No sled or want to try out the Madriver Rocket, no problem..Umiak Outfitters is located nearby where you can rent some high-end sleds (Hammerhead, MadRiver Rocket, Airboard). After all this fun, stop by the Depot Street Malt Shop around the corner for a 50's style experience (and great milkshakes).
2 reviews
- December 12, 2009"This is a great sledding hill. It's long, wide and steep. For children, it's best not to go all the way to the top perhaps just start about 14th of the way up and see how that works. Depending on the child's age and capabilities, you can then decide if that's high enough or go a little higher each trip to find what's comfortable and safe. Very small children will be better off riding with an adult. The Umiak store on Route 100 in lower Stowe Village is an excellent facility to rent sleds. Also, Shaw's General Store 8022534040 on Main Street in the village has inexpensive plastic sleds for sale plus outdoor clothing. It's a two minute drive from Shaw's to Marshall Hill. I agree a helmet is always a good idea for both children and adults."- GrunbergHaus
- December 11, 2009"This is one TERRIFYING sledding hill with a long safe runout. Kids HAVE to have helmets. Yikes. It is good training for astronauts or fighter pilots. PS Just go to the Elementary School on the way to Jackson Arena park at the play ground and walk up hill to meet adrenaline."- Steve Ames