New Year, New Owner
Hey there, FindandGoSeekers!
I'm Sarah Wojcik, the new face behind Vermont's FindandGoSeek. I am thrilled to be a part of this amazing community, sharing kid-friendly activities and events with all of you. Dana Freeman has done an incredible job creating and maintaining this epic resource for parents and caregivers in Vermont and I'm honored to be taking it into the future.
Speaking of the future, I have big plans for FindandGoSeek this year. We will be building a brand new website, focusing on what you want and need the most, and creating a better overall user experience. That means a mobile-friendly interface, more highlights of events and activities, and more targeted emails.
I'll be switching our email provider and sending an important poll to our community soon. Your feedback means the world to me and will help guide the fresh features and functions of the new website.
Thank you for joining me in this next chapter of FindandGoSeek!

(pictured, left, with Dana Freeman.)
I am the mother of two young boys, wife to a local builder, and have a background in marketing, communications, events, and publishing. I founded and manage the Vermont ski and ride resource, All Mountain Mamas and have spent a good deal of my career working within the ski industry and with Vermont outdoor brands.
You can find me and my family on the snowy slopes, frolicking in Vermont's parks, reading books together, and taking in all the arts.