Barre Municipal Pool

Cool off at the Barre pool.
Location: The City of Barre Municipal Swimming Pool is located at 59 Parkside Terrace, Barre, VT 05641. The pool is adjacent to Playground 2000 and is near entry points to the Barre City Bike Path.
Contact: Please call the Barre City Recreation Department: (802) 476-0257
Regular Hours:
- Monday - Friday
- General Swim: 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM
- Family Swim: 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
- In order to stay for family swim, individuals must be high school students or accompanied and supervised by someone 18 years of age or older.
- Saturday - Sunday
- General Swim: 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
- The Pool is open on July 4 from 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
The Pool may close early on cold or rainy days or due to staffing levels. The pool and deck will be cleared for a minimum of 30 minutes anytime lighting is detected within a 20-mile radius of the pool. Patrons will be allowed to re-enter without re-occurrence of thunder or lightning. If storm conditions continue, the pool will close for the day.
2023 Admission Fees:
Adults $6, Kids $4, Seniors 65+ are free. Cash or credit card payments are accepted. User fees may be charged to individuals paying with credit cards.