Camp Billings

1452 Route 244, Fairlee, VT 05045
Visit Website
| 802-333-4317
Parking: No
Camp Billings is a coed overnight camp for children ages 8-15 that has been around for over 100 years. Located in Fairlee, Vermont, kids can choose to participate in sports (tennis, basketball, dodge ball, court and beach volleyball, street hockey, lacrosse, football, soccer, bocce, croquet, Frisbee golf, ultimate Frisbee, archery, baseball) crafts, and drama. They also swim daily in Lake Fairlee and can participate in other water sports such as sailing, canoeing, windsurfing, and water skiing.
2 reviews
- July 14, 2014"Camp billings is the only place I could consider close to being my 1st home. I'm 13 and I love this camp more than anything. It's super fun and I've made friends that I will always be close to. This camp is really a unique place. Everyone is my family and I cried 5 times leaving last summer. I would recommend Billings to EVERYONE because it is truly incredible."- Izzy0808
- July 16, 2010"Camp Billings is THE quintessential oldtimey New England summer camp experience. My 12yo was nervous to stay for two weeks her first away camp experience, but she cried when it was time to leave her new friends and come home. This camp gave my kids ages 10 and 12 everything I wanted for them and more. They loved the activities, counselors, and especially the food. If my kids could choose only one camp a summer, this would be it."- PattyP