Charlotte Park and Wildlife Refuge



North Greenbush Rd, Charlotte, VT 05445 Visit Website


Cost: Free Parking: Yes

The Charlotte Park and Wildlife Refuge is 290 acres of open meadows, active agricultural fields, forests, and trails with views of Lake Champlain, the Green Mountains, and the Adirondacks. Native plants and animals make this scenic part of Charlotte their home. All are welcome to walk or ski on all trails and ride horses on the gravel ones.

Biking is prohibited. Also keep in mind that this is a wildlife refuge, so dogs are not allowed!


10 reviews
  • June 5, 2018
    "I went charlotte recreation park there's no picnic tables. there's a small field to play in. there were small rocks to climb on. You can't bike there's no restrooms there's A ton of rocks to collect. good things or benefits there's little streams of water. negatives or drawbacks there's no bathroom. facts information there are tiny bridges and no bathrooms. feelings happy calm beautiful. Charlie"
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "I recommend Charlotte Nature area because you can take a walk there. I like to get dirty and this was a good place to do that. It was raining and there was mud to play in. I think this is a great place. There's no place to eat not even logs to sit on who's crazy I've give sitting like a 0 plus we had to eat in the bus when we going on a field trip when we were on the bus we're going on a field trip there was a field to play but it was kind of anklebreaking and we didn't even play on it because it had long grass. There were wood chips to climb. I wish there were bikes allowed. There was no restroom at this place. I recommend this place because you could take a walk after school or after dinner. It was also raining. Walker"
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "We went to Charlotte recreation park. Charlotte recreation park is a good place for an afternoon walk. It is beautiful. There are lots of trees. I felt happy because it was beautiful. There are trails, some had grass some had mud. There are small streams. It is beautiful. It is muddy on a rainy day. There are no picnic tables. Biking is not allowed. There are no bathrooms. There are small streams. There is no place to climb. There is no open field to play in. There are loads of rocks and sticks to collect. I recommend this place because the trails are nice. Zander"
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "I gave place to eat a 2 starNo there was not place to eat. Because it is annoying to eat in the bus and not out side! I gave field to play in a 2 starBecause no there was no field to play in. Because I like to play in a nice big field to play in and have fun. I gave place to climb a 2 starBecause no there was no place to climb and I find climbing relaxing. I gave bike a 1 starBecause no there was no bike path and I like to it is relaxing but I can't do it. Because I like bike riding. I gave restrooms a 2 starBecause no there was also no restrooms. Tegan"
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "We went to Charlotte recreation area! I recommend Charlotte recreation area it is a good place for schools to come or just your family. There are tons of trails some are muddy and some are not, others have bridges and there is shade on most trails. This is a great place to have a blast! I love Charlotte recreation area it makes me feel joyful because there are tons of trails and bridges. It is not a steep trail. Horses are allowed on the trails. It can be very muddy after it has rained and there are no dogs allowed. There is tons of wildlife there are lots of rocks to climb and rocks and sticks to take home. There are no bathrooms and bikes are not allowed. I recommend Charlotte recreation area! Reesa"
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "I recommend Charlotte Nature Park because it has brooks. You can see animals. It is fun on a rainy day. I felt happy because it is muddy. It has a lot of wild life. It had brooks. There were a lot of places to climb. You can't play games because there was no filed. There are no picnic tables but there where benches. There was no field to play tag in. You could climb on rocks. There is no restroom. You can not have bikes there. There were a lot of rocks and sticks to collect. It is a fun place to go when it is rainy. Parker"
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "I think you sould come to Charllot Recreation Park. You can see animals on the trails and you can reaconize them with a hand book. I felt happy because it is fun to run around. There is shaded trails, there is bridges, maps of trails and signage. The path is shaded and there are bridges over the water. A bad thing is if it is raining you may get mudy. We went to Charllot Nature Park to explore. There is no picnic tabels and no place to climb. There is a long trail to run on and when I went nobody was there. You cannot bike. There are no bathrooms but just go before and there are a thousand rocks and sticks to collect. There is also a couple streams. I recommend this because it is fun to run there. Miles"
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "I went to Charlotte nature area! I felt great there because I was having a good time. There are a lot of trails some were muddy and some were grassy. It was good that it was muddy and I like mud. The stream could have been bigger. I saw no where to eat. So if you like to eat don't come here. But there are a couple benches. There are a few openings on the trail once in a wail. There are a bunch of trees to climb on. There are no bikes allowed there. There are no restrooms but there is a forest. There are tons of rocks and sticks for collecting! There is a small stream. I recommend this place for a rainy day because it is muddy and wet and that is fun. Henry"
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "I recommend Charlotte Recreation Park because its fun! It is fun to go on the trails and bridges. At the Charlotte Recreation Park there are no picnic tables, also there is not a field to play in. There is a place to climb. There is a pile of wood chips to climb on and there is not a bike path. There is also not a restroom and there are a lot of rocks and sticks to find. There are small streams. I felt happy that there were lots of trails. There are lots of trails to go on and some of the trails are muddy grassy and some of them are bridges. Something that is good is that horses are allowed and there are signs of the different trails that you can go on and something that is bad is that there is a lot of mud. I recommend this place! Danae "
    - For kids by kids
  • June 5, 2018
    "I recommend Charlotte Recreation Park. There is small trails. Some trails are fun to run on. This was a really fun place. I felt good about this place because there is a trail called Turkey Trail. There is trails with mud or grass and bridges and benches and some have trees and some do not. I liked that there was cool bridges and small bridges to walk across. I do not like that there is water and mud that makes my shoes dirty. There is no place to eat. I like that. There is no field to play in. I like that a lot. There are little rocks and wood chips to climb on. I like that a little bit. You can not bike. I would not want to anyway. There are no restrooms. I am okay with that. You can collect rocks and sticks. I would not want to. You should go there because there is bridges and you can run on the little trails. Clover"
    - For kids by kids

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