End O Road Maple Sugarhouse

89 Fields Lane, Jericho, VT
Visit Website
| 802-899-4126
| hneill48@aol.com
Parking: Yes
This is a traditional sugarhouse that boils with wood and offers educational tours. They have an antique equipment museum to browse, lambs to feed, sugar on snow and of course maple cream, syrup, granulated sugar, candies, free samples.
View Miss Magpie's visit to the sugar house here.
- Open 9am to 5pm, call ahead during off season.
1 review
- March 20, 2011"Aptly named End o Road albeit a very muddy road thats an experience in itself, we found this wonderful Vermont sugarhouse owned by the Neill family. Our visit took place during the annual Open House weekend in March and it was busting with activity. In addition to sugar on snow and much to our kids delight, there were free samples of maple cream donuts, waffles with maple syrup, maple candies and maple lemonade. Maple syrup here is made in a traditional, woodfired evaporator fed by miles of sap lines. Family members were all onhand to give tours of the shack, providing us with more than just a few facts about sugaring. They have lots of great antique equipment around and old photographs to look at and see how the history of sugaring has progressed over the years. Outside kids can feed dayold donuts to the sheep tip dont forget to wear boots. There was also a picnic table in the sun with maplethemed coloring pages. They definitely made the finest grade in our family's book!"- missmagpie