Jericho Town Library

7 Jericho Center Circle, Jericho, VT
Visit Website
| 802-899-4686
Ages: All Ages
Parking: Yes
The Jericho Town Library offers Children's Story Time every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 10:30-11:30am and Circle Time ever 3rd Wednesday from 10:30-11:30am.
Check out the website to stay up to date on all of their youth programming offerings!
2 reviews
- October 28, 2011"I enjoy story hour at Jericho Town Library just as much as my twoyear old son. We get to listen to lively readings of books, dance and sing to fun music, do some creative yet age appropriate crafts, eat yummy snacks, and pick out our own books to take home. I love that it is a friendly atmosphere for the younger toddlers and babies! "- suee19
- October 27, 2011"Story hour at the JTL has been a fixture in our lives for the past 2 years our kids are in school now. We loved it for a zillion reasons... from the amazing music to the creative crafts to the relaxed atmosphere suitable for colicky infants to wiggly toddlers and attentive preschoolers and everything in between... and the books! What a vast array of books! At story hour, we didnt just head home with books, but with connections to new friends in the community and we often lingered for hours, playing and picnicking on the green. We found an incredible resource in the librarian at JTL. The library is an asset to the community!"- elizaraven