Maple Landmark Woodcraft

Maple Landmark Woodcraft is the largest solely domestic producer of wooden toys, games and gifts in the United States. NameTrains are their flagship product line but they are very diverse in product offerings. Both traditional and modern versions of games, kitchen and serving wares, home and holiday decor, and thematic products are all made at their factory in Middlebury.
Take a factory tour to see how they blend the skills of talented craftspeople with technology to stay competitive in the world of imports and plastic. Tours are offered Monday- Friday at 10 am and 1 pm. Tours are about 45 minutes in length and are $4 per person, children under 6 are free. No time for a tour? Stop by Monday - Friday 8am to 5 pm to shop the factory store for Factory Firsts, Seconds and Discontinued Items or play on the 60' play train on the front lawn.