Montreal Biodome

4777, avenue Pierre-De Coubertin, Montreal, QB H1V 1B3
Visit Website
| 514-868-3000
Cost: Adult CAD $16.50 | Student 18+ CAD $12.50 | Child 5-17 CAD $8.25 | Child 2-4 CAD $2.50
Parking: Yes
The Biodome of Montreal is one of four Nature Museums along with the Botanical Garden, Insectarium and Planetarium. It is the only place in the world that represents four ecosystems from the Americas with widely different climates… under one roof!
The Biodôme isn’t a zoo, an aquarium or a botanical garden, but all these things combined. It brings together four ecosystems from the Americas, under one roof, each with a different climate: the Tropical Forest, Laurentian Forest, St. Lawrence Marine ecosystem and Arctic and Antarctic Polar World. It’s an oasis in the heart of the city, where visitors of all ages can see over 4,800 animals from 230 different species.
Before heading out on your adventure, have you thought about what you’re expecting from your expedition? Are you hoping to...
- observe some exotic animals and some magnificent plants?
- learn about some of the loveliest ecosystems in Quebec?
- escape a Montréal deep freeze or a summer heat wave?
- give your students a unique big city “nature immersion” experience?
- show your children the beauties of nature and the importance of protecting it?
- explore the countless strategies used by different creatures to adapt to their environment?
You’ll find all that, and more, at the Montréal Biodôme.
- In the Summer the Biodôme is open seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- The rest of the year, it is open Tuesday to Sunday and on holiday Mondays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Discounted tickets are available if you pair your visit with a trip to the Insectarium, Botanical Garden or the Olympic Tower.
- The Cafeteria and The Bistro serve soups, sandwiches, salads and hot meals
- Schools, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts can arrange a"sleepover" at the musuem
- Print out these cool Nature Missions for your little explorers before you go
6 reviews
- February 29, 2016"Admission was comparable to what we have paid at similar attractions in other cities. About 40 US for our family. Everything is labeled in French and English. There are four different areas with animals and plants that live in the specific environments. Our children really enjoyed the penguins and the otters. They have signs for kids at kid eye level with special instructions or tips, for example one sign said to follow the duck foot prints on the path. When the kids followed these they were brought to a somewhat hidden duck nest. We met several staff members talking about the animals and environments or sharing information about a topic, one staff member had crab claws of varying sizes that the kids could touch. It only took us 90 minutes to walk through the all the exhibits and that included watching the penguins feeding. One additional note, they have a really nice infant room on the ground floor near the restrooms. It included several large arm chairs for breastfeeding, vinyl covered boppy pillows, high chairs, puzzles, books, soft blocks, microwave, and sink. Really nice touch for those with smaller children."- VTpirateMum
- August 11, 2015"Magical! Takes about half a day."-
- June 14, 2014"My family had alot of fun at the biodome. The rainforest was like a wheres waldo search, you have to take your time to find the animals. The penguin display was the most exciting. These animals seemed to really enjoy putting on a show. I gave it four stars because it was all over very quickly and at a high price for a family of four. "- katiebug1530
- January 28, 2013"Amazing...had such a wonderful experience here!"- amarie
- April 18, 2012"It was great but I didn't feel it was very English friendly, so be prepared and enjoy!!"- SherilynM
- June 15, 2010"I have been to the Biodme now with my children ages 8 and 11 several times. I have to say as they get older, Ithey really appreciate it so much more. On my most recent trip, I was there for the day with my daughter's second grade class for a field trip. There were so many oohhs and ahhhs as we went from each ecosystem to the next. It was wonderful to be able to see porcupines, monkeys, lynx, sloths, bats, and macaws upclose and personal. The signage explaining the animals and their habitats are great if the kids will stop long enough for you to read it!. There are plenty of guides walking around too in case you have a question. At the end of your trip through the Biodme, in the Antarctic ecosystem, you will find four different species of Penguins. They are simply amazing and adorable. The display is half land, half water so kids can put their face right up to the glass and see them swimming under water which is really cool. Some things to keep in mind. The climates go from warm jungle like to cool like the antarctic so you really need to dress in layers. You can easily push a stroller through the whole thing there are ramps everywhere. There is no foodsnacksdrinks allowed inside the ecosytems, but there is a cafe and plenty of picnic tables outside should you bring your own lunch. Downstairs there is coat room where you can leave things you don't want to carry."- missmagpie