Old Round Church Sledding Hill



25 Round Church Road, Richmond, VT Visit Website


Parking: Yes
The hill may seem small from a passer-by's perspective, but it's steep enough to have plenty of fun. Good for children of all ages.


3 reviews
  • February 9, 2015
    "super fun hill. steep enough to be thrilling, not too steep to scare my 3 year old. there was one other family who showed up to sled while we were there, but it was definitely not overcrowded or overwhelming. parking was available close to the hill, so there wasn't a need to hike."
    - jessicaas
  • January 24, 2013
    "My family visits this hill often in the winter. it's great for kids of all ages and is so much fun for adults as well!!!"
    - SmilieSchoolBrenda
  • December 30, 2011
    "This is a great location for smaller kids for three key reasons 1 The slope is not overwhelming for smaller sledders, but offers enough sizzle for bigger sledders. 2 The hill ends with a long flat expanse so there is no issue of having to stop short to avoid crashing into obstacles. 3 Its very close to On The Rise Bakery which is a perfect warm uplunch location for kids. And it has bathrooms"
    - vtdubief

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