The Last Resort Farm (Organic)

2246 Tyler Bridge Road, Monkton, VT 05443
Visit Website
| 802-453-2847
Parking: Yes
One of the first Vermont farms to offer organic pick-your-own strawberries. PYO is open from approximately June 15 to July 6, the strawberry field is open daily for picking from 8 am to 1 pm or by appointment.
There is a special section of “Toddler Rows” where children can roam while accompanied by an adult, and learn the joys of picking, free from strict rules about where to step.
Pick-your-own red and black currants, raspberries, gooseberries, and blueberries by appointment only. Call 802-453-2847 for more information.
3 reviews
- June 22, 2014"The plants in the strawberry plants in the toddler rows were in terrible shape, and the berries were maybe a third of the size of what was in the other fields. When we asking about the disapointing size of the berries we were told that we should come back without our kids if we whited to pick the good berries. Also they did not tell us that the price of the box for the berries was not included, so if you do go bring your own container, but I will never go again."- rfogg
- June 18, 2014"We finally made it to Last Resort for the first time last year. We absolutely loved it! It was great picking and the berries were delicious. The toddler garden is a great space for little ones, thought mine are not so little any more. We love that the berries are organic and will be heading there in the next few days to get our 2014 berries picked."- vtis4us
- June 18, 2014"great organic strawberries !"-