Trinity Baptist School

300 Trinity Drive, Williston, VT 05495
Visit Website
| 802-879-9007
Cost: call for current rates
Parking: Yes
Trinity Baptist School is located in Williston, Vt. Our purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to receive a Bible-centered, solidly academic that is conducive to spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional growth.
They have classes for preschool through 12th grade. In addition to their academic excellence, they also offer several extra-curricular activities such as varsity level basketball, soccer, year book, fine arts, academic competitions, field trips, choir, and vocal ensembles.
1 review
- February 4, 2020"Trinity Baptist School is the best thing that could have happened for my son. He attended public school through his freshman year, and was starting to become distant and was going down a bad path. After shadowing at TBS for a day he seemed relieved and wanted to be enrolled. He graduated from there in 2019 and has become a loving, caring human being who still volunteers at the school and is interested in ministry. My daughters both attend TBS currently and I can't count the times that people have commented on how kind, sweet, and genuine they are. It takes intentional parental involvement to raise a child, and in a small school like Trinity that is very easy to do. The staff is welcoming and genuinely cares about each student both spiritually and educationally."- MonarchMom