Y Camp Abnaki

Camp Abnaki - Day Camp
Located on the southern tip of North Hero Island along the shores of Lake Champlain, Camp Abnaki is a place where more than 700 campers annually come to build skills, a sense of values, and a positive attitude about themselves and others. While the largest component to Camp Abnaki is its overnight camp, each summer boys currently in grades K-4 enjoy a day camp experience at Abnaki. Dedicated day camp staff engage campers in a variety of favorite camp activities, such as archery, rock climbing, swimming, and arts & crafts.
Bus transportation is provided from ​the University Mall and up Route 2 through Colchester and the Champlain Islands with times convenient for working parents.
Camp Abnaki - Overnight Camp
Located on the southern tip of North Hero Island along the shores of Lake Champlain, Camp Abnaki is a place where more than 700 campers annually come to build skills, a sense of values, and a positive attitude about themselves and others. This is all accomplished at what they call a traditional camp, tailor-made for boys who are eager to explore, challenge themselves, play outdoors as much as possible, and be active. Four cabin villages are assigned by camper age. This list of activities is nearly endless and enjoyed by campers in a safe, supportive environment while having fun with other campers.
Abnaki also offers Specialty Camps for families, first-time campers, and counselor-in-training.
After May 1st please use: 802-372-9622
- June 19, 2014"LOVE Camp Abnaki! My son has been going for five years. It's his favorite part of summer.! The counselors are amazing so friendly and kind. My husband and don also really enjoy the fatherson weekend as well."- Mathmom
- August 20, 2013"My son age 10 attended the weeklong overnight camp for the first time this summer and absolutely loved it! When I picked him up he talked nonstop for 3 straight hours. He made new friends, dealt with a sleepwalking cabinmate, tried archery, tried new foods, gained confidence and had so much darned fun he is still talking about it weeks afterward. He wants to go for two weeks next year."- HinesburgMOM
- August 19, 2013"My boy 8 had a GREAT time here for his first week of overnight camp ever. Loved every minute of it and has already informed us he'd definitely like to do a 2 week session next year. A beautiful camp, well organized and confidenceinspiring. Terrific! And, we enjoyed the photos they shared enough to feel like you have a tiny insight into the experience without too much intrusion."- Mischka1628
- March 19, 2012"My son now 12 is about to attend Camp Abnaki for the third year this summer. He absolutely loves it! The camp is SO well run, and magically seems to grow with my son. The location is great, the counselors are welltrained, the ratio of staff to camper is outstanding. I feel like my son is safe, nurtured and challenged when he's there. I really appreciate their focus on values. Help the other fellow is their motto, and they really stand by it. My son has a few weeks to get stinky, run around with boys, eat endless amounts of home cooked meals, all while being inspired by fantastic young men in tshirts that appropriately say Role Model on the back."- pandjvt
- September 11, 2010"Every year for the last four years, since Henry was 6 months old and Elsa 3 12 we have attended the Camp Abnaki Family Camp. Now they can't stop talking about it year round even now Elsa is whispering in my ear that it is only 9 more months to go There are two sessions each year. One Memorial day and one Labor Day. Each Session lasts 3 nights. For a relatively small cost each family gets its own cabin and 3 delicious meals a day seriously. Archery, rockclimbing, swimming, fishing, arts and crafts, you name it they have it. Camp Director Jon Kuypers and his staff are gracious hosts. This is a Vermont experience that is not to be missed."- CouncilorAdrian
- April 19, 2010"As a former YMCA camp committee member, counselor and camper, I can attest that running a camp and making it fun for all is tough work. Despite that, I think Camp Abnaki has it down to a science. Our son attended a mini camp a 4 day3 night intro session and has asking to go back ever since. They provide exceptional value and programs to the kids in a attendance as well as to the families who happily find their boy coming home with many memories and, in many cases, new skills. What's more, is that our son found many, many positive male role models in the counselors and staff ones who were interested in the boys and their thoughts, skills and goals. In today's world, those kind of influences are not easy to come by. One of the biggest task a camp has is to make the parents feel at ease. It was a welcome surprise to receive a phone call from a counselor who detailed our son's activities, comfort level and disposition. How reassuring ! I especially liked how our son was welcomed during registration...eye contact, calling him by his name and letting him know if his friends from paperwork alone had checked in yet. In addition to these factors, the location can't be beat. The venue, buildings, facilities all were in great condition. In light of my experiences in my formative years, I had pretty high expectations. Camp Abnaki delivered! I can't wait for our family to find some time to grant our son his wish and send him back !"- premsagm
- January 23, 2009"Last year my family and I spent Memorial Day weekend at Camp Abnaki this is one of the weekends that the Camp is open to families and not just boys or boys and their fathers. My kids were 6 and 8 and this weekend is something we still talk about regularly in a good way! We all stayed in a cabin which was fun, and even though it rained nearly all weekend, we had plenty to do exploring the grounds, archery during rain breaks, taking a canoe out, fishing, climbing on the climbing wall, making homemade candles all very fun. The staff is amazing and I highly recommend it for families who like a little bit of adventure."- charlottemom
- July 23, 2008"Our 9 yr old son went to the 4 day3 night mini camp for his first sleepaway camp experience ever. When I picked him up, his first words were I want to come back next year for a week. I'd say he had a great time. There are 6 boys2 counselors to a cabin in mini camp. They seemed to keep them busy from morning til night. They went sailing, paddled war canoes, played crazy kickball and more. The only complaint I seemed to hear was about the food, but that comes from the mouth of a pretty picky eater. One really nice bonus is the Mini Camp Director gives you a call at home on the second day just to let you know how your son is doing. The camp setting is really beautiful and on pick up day there is a bbq and bouncy house. It was a nice way to end the camp experience."- missmagpie