Beta Night @ New England Center for Circus Arts


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Tweens, Teens, Kids


Cost: Donations are highly encouraged. Parking: Yes

Beta Night is a monthly, curated show featuring a variety of acts, with the aim of encouraging artistic risk-taking, creativity, art, and play with a welcoming and supportive audience. Each month has a prompt, which performers can use as much or as little as inspires them. You’ll be seeing new pieces, old pieces brought back to life, and works in progress. We welcome all skill levels (including absolute beginners!), ages, and performance disciplines. You do not need to be a NECCA student and you can be any level of performer (1st time or 1,000th time)!

If you want to perform or volunteer email Victoria.

July’s prompt is “Performer Cliches!”

Are you ready for this? I can’t hear you! I said, are you ready for this?? Beta Night this month is all about performer clichés. Throw your fabric, recite a poem…with weird…syntax…and for goodness sake, don’t forget to do your splits for claps! Let’s get cringey and laugh together about how silly art can be!


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