Burlington Forest Preschool


4 Ethan Allen Homestead, Burlington, VT 05408 Visit Website | 802-310-7028 | nicole@burlingtonforestpreschool.com


Ages: Toddlers, Kinder Cost: Please call or see web site for pricing Parking: Yes

At Burlington Forest Preschool we believe that children and teachers should spend as much time connecting with the natural world as possible, allowing it to guide our teaching and learning. We support children to establish a sense of place and develop a respect for nature while encouraging them to explore their interests and form positive relationships.

Located at the Ethan Allen Homestead, we have both an indoor space (two classrooms), and access to nearly 300 acres of land. Our curriculum is emergent, integrated, and place-based. Children are encouraged to build on their emerging literacy and numeracy interests within the context of their explorations and ongoing projects. Teachers engage in extensive and ongoing professional development, including anti-bias work. 

Our child to teacher ratio is typically 6:1, and is often as low as 4:1. 


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