Camp Expo @ the YMCA

Experience Summer Camp Early!
Join the Greater Burlington YMCA for a fun and interactive event where you’ll get to experience some of the same activities that take place at each of their four summer camp opportunities. Camp experts and parents of past campers from Camp Abnaki, Y Adventure Camp at Rock Point, Camp Koda, and Summer Camp at the Y in BTV will be on hand to share insights and answer questions.
• Try out camp-specific activities, like archery, tie dye, STEM projects, and a bouncy house
• Make crafts and “sail” in a Sunfish
• Enjoy story time in front of the “campfire” (lobby fireplace) at 11:00am
• Complete an “adventure passport,” to enter a raffle for one of four $400 vouchers to be used at any one of our four camps.
The event is free, and registration is not required. Park and ride a shuttle from the parking lot at 1 South Prospect Street (the UVMMC/UHC property) to 298 College Street.
Contact the Y if you have any questions, using the Contact Form and “Camp Expo” in the subject line.