Crystal Lake State Park

96 Bellwater Avenue, Barton, VT 05822
Visit Website
| 802-525-6205
Cost: Day use entrance fee
Parking: Yes
Crystal Lake is approximately three miles long and about one mile in width. In some places it is known to be more than 100 feet deep. It is a glacial lake beautifully situated among roughhewn mountain sides.
Park Amenities:
- beach
- swimming
- concession stand
- 40 free standing charcoal grills
- 80 picnic tables
- play areas
- rental boats and canoes
- Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend
Open for day use:
- 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM or Official Sunset
- From Barton: Off VT 16 at north end of Crystal Lake in Barton.