Family Bingo @ the University Mall

BINGO, BINGO, BINGO! Join us for a FREE fun filled night of Bingo with the family at the University Mall sponsored by Associates in Orthodontics! Play not only for fun, but also for the chance to win prizes! There is a 2 card limit. This is a great way to spend time with family and friends doing something fun and free! Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. Come for the entire time or stop in for a game/s around your schedule. No registration is necessary!
This program is open to South Burlington and surrounding community residents!
This specific Family Bingo event is a highlighted event that kids enrolled in the SBRP Kids Club, sponsored by T-Mobile, should bring their punch pass to, in order for them to help reach their 5 required events to get a SBRP beanie! Is your child 12 and younger and interested in becoming a Kids Club member and receiving exclusive perks? Visit this link for more information and to enroll!