Hinesburg 4th of July Celebration
2024 Theme - A Sporty 4th
Grand Marshal - Tom Giroux
Wednesday. 7/3
6 pm - Hilly Hobble Foot Race registration begins in front of HCS.
6:30 pm - 10k begins at bottom of Buck Hill Rd. West.
7 pm - 5k begins at bottom of Buck Hill Rd. West.
7:10 pm - Kid's 2k race begins at Veteran's Park - Good Times Cafe.
Race finishes in Veteran's Park.
Thursday, 7/4
10 am - Parade assembly begins at bottom of Buck Hill Rd. West & Rte. 116.
Register your float or organization at www.hinesburgrec.com
Please note that Route 116 is closed 10:45 am - 11:45 pm.
11 am Parade starts at bottom of Buck Hill Rd. West & Rte. 116, follows through village, turning onto onto Mechanicsville Rd., ending at Post Office.
Community Alliance Church will serve ice cream in front of the Hinesburg Nursery School.
12- 3pm - Hinesburgh Public House's Lawn Party.
6-9 pm The Rough Suspects will perform at HCS gazebo followed by the fireworks at dusk!
* Please note, if inclement weather occurs, fireworks would be rescheduled to the following night 7/5.
Vendors are: Las Hermosas Tacos, Mac's Sugar Shack, Sisters of Anarchy Ice Cream and Fried Dough.
Activities and offerings will continue to emerge as the date gets closer.