Jericho Congregational Church Summer Bible Camp

3 Jericho Center Circle, Jericho Center, VT 54565
Visit Website
| 899-4911
Parking: No
The purpose of JCC’s Summer Bible Camp is to invite the community (you!) to experience how the Love of Jesus impacts all our lives, loves, and everyday activities. Children will engage in various adventures and fulfilling activities of their choosing.
Each child will choose a camp track that interests them and will remain in that multi-aged track for every day of the week. Bible Camp registration is free to all. Camp is open to children 4 years old to grade 6.
Camp dates are August 12-16, 2019. Camp tracks are 9AM-12PM (with morning/afternoon care available at no cost from 7:30AM-9AM and 12PM-5PM). TRACKS: (A) Little Explorers – Ages 4 & 5 (B) BUILD IT (C) FARM TO TABLE (D) CREATIVE EXPLORATION (E) CENTER STAGE