Kettle Pond State Park

Kettle Pond State Park, Groton, VT 05658
Visit Website
| 802-426-3042
Cost: Day use entrance fee, camping fees vary
Parking: Yes
Kettle Pond State Park's campground is located on the shores of Kettle Pond, an undeveloped pond. There are 26 lean-to's arranged into five separate groups designed to accommodate a variety of different group sizes.
Park Amenities:
- group camping
- 6 leantos
- boating
- fishing
- hiking
- Memorial Day Weekend - Columbus Day Weekend
Open for day use:
- 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM or Official Sunset
- From I-91 (Exit 8): Go .2 mi. E on Rt 131 to stop light, turn left on Rt. 5 for 1.2 mi., then bear left on Rt 44A for 1 mi. From Groton: Go 2 mi. W on U.S. 302, then 7-1/2 mi. NW on VT 232.