Lunenburg Old Home Day


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Lunenburg Common, Rte 2, in the center of town Main Street , Lunenburg, VT 05906 Visit Website | (802) 751-9279 |


All Ages


Parking: Yes

A great time to enjoy the history and traditions of a small Vermont town. Throughout the day, visitors can enjoy the Bud Colby Memorial Horseshoe Tournament, vendors with information and a variety of products, free lawn games to play for all ages, cornhole contest for youth, morning "Messy Play" for younger children, a new color Lunenburg tee shirt, an intriguing “junior historian” hunt (for all ages and levels of historical knowledge!), great meal choices, desserts, 10am "Games We Play"-themed parade, historical games displays, afternoon live music, and much more. 

Plan on more than a quick visit to check things out! More details on website.


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