Mater Christi Summer Day Camp

Mater Christi School's Little Adventurers Summer Day Camp offers 8 Sessions, Monday - Friday. Each day begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. Campers have the option of choosing the number and dates of sessions they wish to attend since each Session has a different theme, some of which are "Time Travelers," "Wild Kingdom," Sports Mania," "To Infinity and Beyond," and "Outdoor Adventure."
There are two groups of campers: Ages 3 - 5 and ages 6 - 8 with a generous number of staff members in charge of each age group. The camp is located at Mater Christi School with its spacious lawns, play grounds, gym, and classroom areas. Campers are encouraged to discover, explore, and create in an environment that lends itself to these activities. For many campers, this summer experience provides a smooth transition for the new school year.