Middlebury Snow Bowl

6886 Route 125, Hancock, VT
Visit Website
| 802-388-4356
| snowbowl@middlebury.edu
Cost: Check site for rates. Kids 6 and under are only $10.
Parking: Yes
Encompassing about 120 acres of open terrain, 17 trails, terrain park and glades, the Snow Bowl serves all ages and abilities for family fun. There are 2 double chair lifts and 1 triple chair covering a vertical drop of 1,050 feet supported by state-of-the-art grooming.
Base lodge includes a rental shop, ski school and racing program and cafeteria. After hours, you will find some kids enjoying the sledding hill located behind the brown utility building on the east end of the parking lot.
The bowl is open to the public and chair lifts run from 9AM to 4PM during the week, and 8.30AM - 4:00PM on the weekends and holidays. Closed Christmas Day.

Middlebury Ski Club Outdoor Movie Night @ the Snowbowl
Outdoor Activities
Hancock, VT
Teens, Tweens, Kids, Kinder