Music Together® Music and Movement Class


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Babies, Toddlers, Kinder, Kids


Cost: Class Tuition: $198. One-time enrollment fee for new families: $45 Please contact for billing questions. Parking: Yes - Street Parking on Main Street and Seymour Street in Middlebury is available

The Music Together® program is our Mixed-Age music class, for children from birth through age 5—and the grownups who love them!®

Classes are designed to be mixed ages, participatory, fun, and a wonderful way to bond with your child(ren). Music Together® classes are a great way for us to provide a rich musical experience for our children in class and at home, giving us tools in day to day parenting, and opening up a lifetime of music making!

This winter, families in Music Together® classes around the world will be singing and jamming along to Drum. The collection includes Music Together originals like “Because I Sing,” in addition to our take on traditional tunes, including the African-American folksong, “John the Rabbit,” and the beautiful Hispanic lullaby “Arroró, mi niño.”


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