Richmond Community Kitchen

13 Jolina Court, Richmond, VT 05477
Visit Website
| 802-434-3445
Ages: All Ages
Parking: Yes
The Richmond Kitchen sources ingredients from local farms at the peak of the season and incorporate them into real, home-cooked meals. They’re not fancy. They’re what they feed their families on an average night. They do the shopping, prepping, cooking, and most of the cleaning up. You do the thawing, heating, and eating. These meals are for those nights when there just isn’t time to do it yourself from scratch and you don’t want to eat out. Items are available in the refrigerator for a day after being made, otherwise all items are available frozen.
Cooking Classes - From the basics to the exotics, join their esteemed chef instructors for some hands-on time in the kitchen. Classes are limited to 12 so you will have your own cooking station and hands-on support to learn something creative and delicious!
Vacation Week and Summer Camps -They offer camps during the vacation break weeks and in the summer.
Birthday Parties - Are you looking for a fun place for your child to have their next birthday party? Come to RCK for a personal cooking party! In your 2 hour party, the birthday child and 7 friends will don aprons, become chefs and create their own feast! The birthday child even gets to take home their own RCK apron.