SBRP Puzzle Palooza


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South Burlington Recreation & Parks 180 Market Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 Visit Website | 802-556-3670 |


All Ages, Kids, Tweens, Teens


Parking: Yes - Parking is located across from City Hall (green parking spaces) or behind City Hall.

Join SBRP for a fun-filled and engaging 300-Piece Puzzle Competition, where puzzle enthusiasts of all skill levels can come together to test their patience, problem-solving abilities, and team spirit! Participants will be challenged to complete a 300-piece puzzle as quickly as possible, all while enjoying a relaxed, friendly atmosphere sponsored by Northeast Delta Dental.

Whether you're a seasoned puzzle solver or new to the world of puzzles, this event promises a rewarding experience for everyone. Prizes will be awarded to our three fastest family competitors!

Teams can be a maximum of 6 people, with a maximum of 2 adults per team.

If you're interested in attending and entering the speed competition, please register so that we can ensure we have enough puzzles for all of our participants! Only one person needs to register on behalf of the team. If competing, please be present and ready to begin at 1:15pm - every team must begin at the same time!

If you're interested in puzzles but not in competition, we will have extra puzzles available for you to put together, just for fun!

This event is open to South Burlington and surrounding community residents!


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