SBRP Winter Wonderland


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All Ages


Parking: Yes - Parking is located at Farrell Park.

Join South Burlington Recreation & Parks for a free afternoon out in the snow on Wednesday, February 26th from 12-2 PM at Farrell Park sponsored by Northeast Delta Dental! Bring a sled, or create and decorate your own cardboard sled! Along with sledding, we will have a hot chocolate bar, s'mores, snow + maple syrup treats, and snowman making. Get bundled up and spend some quality time outside this winter!

This specific event is a highlighted event that kids enrolled in the SBRP Kids Club should bring their punch pass to, in order for them to help reach their 5 required events to get a SBRP beanie! Is your child 12 and younger and interested in becoming a Kids Club member and receiving exclusive perks? Visit this link for more information and to enroll!

This event is open to South Burlington and surrounding community residents!


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