Southshire Community School

24 Bank Street, North Bennington, VT 05257
Visit Website
| 802-442-4601
Parking: Yes
Southshire Community School is a family-oriented independent school, approved by the Vermont State Board of for grades K-8. The school seeks to encourage a child’s natural curiosity and cultivate a lifelong love of learning. Our school is located in the village of North Bennington, VT, in a historic farmhouse surrounded by three acres of grass and trees. Our students hail from the surrounding communities of southwestern Vermont as well as towns in neighboring New York and Massachusetts. Our mixed-age setting allows children to connect with learning on a deeper level. They accept a range of academic achievement as natural within their peer group, and orient towards a genuine understanding of the curriculum and of themselves as a learners. Students come to recognize themselves as valued, respected, and highly-capable beings. As they move on in life, they take with them self-knowledge, self-confidence and a love of learning.