St. Albans Historical Museum

9 Church Street, St. Albans, VT 05478
Visit Website
| 802-527-7933
Ages: All Ages
Cost: Admission for adults - $6 | Children 5 to 14 - $3 | Under 5 Free | Members & Blue Star Military Veterans with ID Free
Parking: Yes
The Saint Albans Museum, located in a historic school building constructed in 1861, features displays and exhibits on the history, art, and archaeology of Saint Albans, Franklin County, and northern Vermont. Our areas of emphasis include: The Saint Albans Raid (Civil War), the Central Vermont Railroad, and the Smith family, as well as regional medical, social, fashion, and economic history. Explore our community heritage at your own pace, or via a guided tour. Open June - October, the Museum is fully accessible. The Bliss Room, our historic and charming third floor space, is available for community rentals such as weddings, business meetings/conferences, concerts, and special events.