Sweet Seasons

2557 Spaulding Rd, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Visit Website
| 802-274-2365
| sweetseasonsfarmvt@gmail.com
Parking: No
Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) fruit farm.
They have two blueberry orchards, the large one is 2.5 acres with 2,421 plants. The small one, 'Blueberry Nook' has 75 plants with chairs for those who want to 'Sit n' Pick'. They also have 500' of Raspberry a small Organic Apple orchard with 40 heirloom / heritage apple trees, a hedgerow of "Hazelberts" which are a cross between American Hazelnuts and European Filberts along with their newest 2019 planted "Superfood" orchard which include: Aronia, Elderberry, Black Currant and Nanking Cherry.