Swimming Lessons

Group Lessons consist of eight 30-minute American Red Cross lessons. As per the American Red Cross, they can begin to teach infants and toddlers to swim as early as 6 months old. Of course, they also offer adult swimming lessons. Each lesson provides developmentally appropriate water safety topics and swimming skills. The Red Cross provides certified swim instruction through eight levels of progression. Each student undergoes an evaluation as he/she progresses through each level, which ends on (hopefully) a level-up recommendation.
St.J - St Johnsbury's Comfort Inn & Suites offer an indoor, heated, salt-water pool, and is a fantastic location to learn to swim! The pool ranges from 3ft deep to 5ft deep. When entering the St. J Comfort Inn & Suites, it is important to check in at the desk to get a keycard to access the pool area. All key cards must be returned to the instructor at the end of class.