Townshend State Park

2755 State Forest Road, Townshend, VT 05353
Visit Website
| 802-365-7500
Cost: Day use entrance fee, camping fees vary
Parking: Yes
A visit to Townshend State Park, located at the foot of Bald Mountain on a bend of the West River, feels like a step back in time. The park was constructed during the Great Depression by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). Stonewalls, cellar holes, and old roads are evidence of such a past.
Park Amenities:
- wooded area
- 30 tent/RV sites
- 4 lean-to sites
- showers ($)
- picnic shelter with a fireplace
- hiking trail - Bald Mountain
- Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend
- From the North - Take Route 30 South to the Townshend Lake Recreation Area; turn right over dam, then left at T-intersection. Park is 2 miles ahead on right. From the South - Take Route 30 North to State Forest Road. Park is 2 miles ahead on left.