Valley Players Community Theater

4254 Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05673
Visit Website
| 802-583-1674
Ages: Kinder, Kids, Tweens, Teens
Cost: Vary
Parking: Yes
The Mad River Valley's Community Theater
Southbound (Burlington or Montreal)
Take I-89 South to Exit 10 (Waterbury/Stowe) following the signs for Waitsfield and Warren. Turn left at stop sign, Rt. 100 South through the village of Waterbury. After town, watch for Rt. 100 to make a right hand turn toward Waitsfield. Follow Rt. 100 south to intersection of 100 and 100B Turn right at stop sign to continue on Rt. 100 south Follow Rt. 100 through the town of Waitsfield The theater on the right after the Chamber of Commerce (on left) and Clearwater Canoe (on left) which has a rainbow painted on their building!