Winds of Ireland Sailing Charters

Looking to take the family out on a sunny day and explore our beautiful lake? Winds of Ireland provides a variety of sailboats available for 4 or 8 hour day sails.
Take a sail to Valcour Island and explore the trails there or head over to New York and visit Willsboro Bay. There are great places to anchor and swim, fish or picnic. Lake charts are supplied on each boat. WoI also has some suggested itineraries.
Located conveniently at the Burlington Community Boathouse next to Splash, their fleet consists of seven modern sailing sloops designed for comfort, performance and handling ease. All boats are fully equipped with USCG approved safety gear. All boats have full battened mainsails, roller furling head sails and wheel steering. All boats are equipped with inboard diesel engines. Each galley is fully outfitted and equipped. Boats are supplied with paper towels, garbage bags, and cleaning supplies.