Woodman Hill Orchard

175 Plank Rd, Vergennes, VT 05491
Visit Website
| 802-877-6686
| apples@woodmanhillorchard.com
Cost: Call orchard for pricing - deals and specials throughout the season
Parking: Yes
Swing on by to enjoy beautiful views, friendly service and plenty of room for the kids to run as you pick your own apples. They’re a small, boutique orchard with lots of low branches and gently sloping terrain to accommodate pickers of all ages and abilities. Farm stand offerings include pre-picked apples, fresh pressed cider, cider donuts, maple syrup, homemade jellies, baked goods and more!
Great for kids with low branches for easy picking and beautiful Adirondack views.
Open Wed-Sun 10am-5:30pm through the end of October.