Woods Island State Park

Woods Island State Park, Swanton, VT 05481
Visit Website
| 802-524-6353
| parks@state.vt.us
Cost: Camping fees vary
Parking: No
Woods Island became Vermont's forty-fifth state park in 1985. 125-acres, this park has a unique habitat for a rich variety of plant life including many species rare or threatened in Vermont. A portion of the island was once farmed; traces of drainage ditches remain today. Still visible is also the farm house foundation and weathered remains of old farm machinery. A later attempt by a private developer saw the beginnings of an airstrip constructed down the center of the island; the earth berms you climb over on the cross-island trail are the runway edges.
Park Amenities:
- remote camping
- swimming
- boating
- private
- Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend
- Woods Island is located a short distance from Burton Island in northern Lake Champlain and can be reached only by boat. You must make your own arrangements to get to and from the island.